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Frank Fischer's home

Life long learning.

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Page Config

Content before more comment is regarded as page excerpt.

Ms.HopeJanuary 1, 2020
  • Guide
  • Page config
  • Guide
About 1 min
MuleSoft to Azure VPN
MuleSoft to Azure VPN Hey, we are using MuleSoft as an integration solution, Office 365, SAP hosted on Azure and other things. To use the SAP Connector from MuleSoft, we needed a V

0xffDecember 28, 2023
  • LifeOfVPIT
  • LifeOvVPIT
  • MuleSoft
  • Azure
  • VPN
Less than 1 minute
Fixing azcopy's mess
Fixing azcopy's mess I used azcopy to sync to file stores. azcopy did its work and everything seemed fine. Then I dah users reporting that ZIP files did not work. I checked them an

0xffDecember 28, 2023
  • LifeOfVPIT
  • LifeOvVPIT
  • Azure
  • azcopy
About 1 min
Vranyo In the recent days I learned about the - let's call it concept for the lack of a better word - Vranyo (or враньо in Russian). Obviously it is a Russian word and its simple t

0xffNovember 16, 2022
  • OrgPsych
  • Team
  • Leadership
About 2 min
Intro Page
Intro Page My name is Frank Fischer and I am a Product Marketing Manager for Snyk Code @FrankFi@mastodon.social In my spare time I am a PhD student at the University of York.

0xff11/8/2022Less than 1 minute
Slide page
@slidestart Slide Demo A simple slide demo and useful hints. " By Mr.Hope. Please scroll mouse wheel down to the next slide" --- Marking Slides 👇 -- Marking Slides Use --- to mark

0xff11/8/2022About 3 min
Features Demo
Catalog Markdown Enhance; Page Config; Function Disable; Encryption Demo;

  • Guide
Less than 1 minute
Disabling layout and features

You can disable some function and layout on the page by setting the Frontmatter of the page.

  • Guide
  • disable
Less than 1 minute

Frank Fischer's up and coming blog page

Using vuepress...

Mastodon Owner Tag